We see ourselves as a holistic partner for the success of your facility or system. Therefore, as the sole provider of gas engines and engine control units, we also offer ongoing support. From concept to construction, we assist you in a product-neutral manner according to your requirements.
The partnership we’ve forged with MAMotec is unprecedented. For the first time, manufacturers of components and fuels for hydrogen engines can test their products not only individually and under theoretical conditions. Instead, products are tested in a real engine system and in interaction with all other components,” explains Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kehrwald, one of the managing directors of IAVF. “We expect significant insights for all parties involved, for example through the use of RNT real-time wear analysis, where with the help of our technologies, we can conduct long-term tests in a fraction of the required runtime.
MAMotec is part of the alliance “Allianz Wasserstoffmotor e. V.”, founded in January 2022, which brings together the expertise of nearly 70 renowned members from industry and research. The drive of all participants stems from the awareness and conviction that hydrogen technology can make a decisive contribution to the mobility of the future. The network comprises automotive entrepreneurs, suppliers, engineers with various specializations, and research institutes, primarily acting as a communication platform with the aim of sharing insights with society. One thing is certain for us: the future belongs to hydrogen.