The brains behind MAMotec gas engines are passionate about working on future-oriented and sustainable solutions for decentralized CO2-neutral energy generation.

Mamotec Gasmotoren GmbH develops and builds gas engines for a wide variety of tasks and a broad range of gas types. With over 20 years of experience in the field of CHP and gas engine technology, MAMotec understands the requirements for gas engines in stationary use and places these at the center of the development process.
The highest quality and know-how are a guarantee of maximum performance efficiency and durability even under the most adverse operating conditions.
By providing CO2-neutral drive solutions with biomethane, biogas, sewage gas, wood gas or hydrogen, MAMotec makes a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition.
We want to actively and positively contribute to the energy transition. Our products take responsibilityforthe
future of the next generations.